24 Items Real Estate Agents should have in their car to make money and impress.
I have discovered a few Realtor tips for agents. I am looking to replace my 11 year old car and in the process I am emptying out my real estate office on wheels. I have come to realize I have a lot of items in my car that are designed to either make me money, avoid a potential problem, or to solve someone else’s problems. I thought it would make for a good post for everyone to read. These are all actually things I pulled out of my car today.
Paperwork – A copy of every form you would need to list, buy, sell, rent, or perform any other real estate transaction you would like to transact. Being ready to sign someone up is very important. It is equally nice to have an extra copy if you make a mistake on the first copy.
Large stack of business cards – You always want to have a bunch on you at all times. I think of my car as my refueling station to refill my wallet if I hand out a few. After all, you never want to run out.
Notepad – I get new client calls all the time. You want to be able to write all their information down right away. Pull over and ask all the important qualifying questions the first time. Don’t let them get away.
Tide-to-Go – These little pen-like sticks have a little bit of soap in them for the inevitable spill. If you are working a lot, eventually you will be eating or drinking in your car. It is nice to have these to save your nice new clothes.
Measuring tape – I actually carry two. One that is for indoors, up to 35 feet, and one for outdoors for 100 feet. You never know when you will want to know how large a room is or how far a well is away from something. Don’t go crazy and start measuring property lines. This can get you in a lot of trouble real fast.
Replacement parts – You should have a box of extra hooks, washers, nuts, bolts, hangers, and anything else you might need on a sign. Either you lose them in the grass, rocks, or snow. It is so much easier to have extras in your car.
Jumper cables – If you or your clients end up with a dead battery, it is nice to save the day with jumper cables. If you learn how to use them, they are not hard and can really save the day.
Extra pens – You can’t write a contract without a pen. Make sure you have a lot of them.
Pump – If you ever have a flat or get low on air, you may be able to pump up your tire enough to get to an auto shop. They have come in handy more than once for me.
Snow melt – I carry a small coffee can of salt or snow melt in my car at all times. On more than one occasion, I have gone up the front steps of a house to do a showing and they are sheer ice. It has even helped me get out of a driveway that was iced over.
Shovel – A mini steel shovel can dig out a front walkway if an owner forgets to do it, dig you out of a hole, or help you put a sign in the ground. I recommend the flat top kind as it is best on the snow.
Toolbox – An auto box is enough with a small hammer, pliers, screw drivers, wrench, and other items. It helps with on-the-road adjustments to broken signs and small fixes to clients homes and/or lockboxes.
Zip-ties – These things can come in handy for quick fixes while on the road.
Flashlight – I always have a flashlight charging in my car for basements and homes without power. Spend a few extra bucks and get a real nice one. It will make you look very prepared if you hand a nice bright LED light to your client instead of them trying to use their phone app.
First-aid kit – Band-aids and other basic items can help to continue a days worth of showings if you ever have an accident while showing homes.
Lighter – Maybe this is just me, but every survival show I have ever seen, they all wish they had a lighter. So I always carry one in my car just in case!
Breath mints – First impressions are important. If you just had a sandwich with onions and someone calls and asks to meet you, pop in a mint so you don’t stink.
Name tag – One of the best ways to attract attention is to put on a name tag that says you are a real estate agent. People will come up to you and start talking about real estate.
Tape – Duct tape and/or clear packing tape.
Permanent marker – I have used it to fill in phone numbers on faded signs or write out temporary signs.
Key tags – Any time a client gives you a set of keys, put some kind of label on them right away. If you don’t do it right away, you have a good chance of getting them confused later. Even if they are fancy leopard print keys, if you have them long enough, you won’t remember where they go.
Hand sanitizer – I can’t afford to be sick so especially during cold and flu season, every time I get in my car, I sanitize my hands.
Business cards of others – If you have people you want to refer all the time, carry their cards around with you so you can hand them out. The more referrals you hand out, the more you will get in return.
Wasp spray – I have found that these guys love to make homes inside doorways. If you are not allergic to them and the nest is small enough, a quick spray will get them while they are little.
I guess that is about it. I feel like a little bit of a hoarder, but it really does not take up that much space at all. I just like being able to fix as many problems as I can for my clients!